Monday, January 2, 2012

Fun-A-Day, 21 Day Yoga Challenge, and other self-help programs

Hi everyone!

So I haven't posted in a long time, haven't really been exercising that much either - which I know because not only did I gain about 8 pounds since coming back from Costa Rica, I also literally busted out of my skirt last night (New Year's Day) after dinner at E's mom's house when I plopped my fat ass down in her new car. So there's that. (Granted, in my defense it's a real old skirt passed down from my mother's skinnier days, already a size too small for me, AND it busted in a place where I'd already hand-stitched it after ripping through it on a day I thought I'd be able to ride my bike in it, and poked the nose od my saddle right through the back of the thing). Fortunately for us all, on New Year's Eve I ran into a friend who is once again participating in Fun-A-Day, as am I, and when he shared with me his idea it meshed so well with a resolution of mine that I decided to piggy-back with him somewhat.

I feel this entry might start bursting at the seams in its own right, but I'll try to keep it trim. R's Fun-A-Day project is to exercise or do something active for an hour a day. When I mentioned to him that I had recently been bouldering at The Climbing Wall, he asked if he could go with me next time. Which made me want to go all the more, because not only was it really fun, but going with a buddy makes it that much more enjoyable and that much more likely to continue to happen. It's a bit out of the way from my house by bike (considering I live at the very bottom of the hill, and I'm lazy, and it's winter), but as I'm trying to not become a total lardo it probably would be a good idea to get riding up the hill anyway. It would also be nice to finally hang out with R, a great and old friend who I rarely see these days.

For my New Year resolutions, there are quite a few. One of them, pertinent to R's Fun-A-Day project, is to do more whole-body activities that are fun and healthy, rather than living a life of bipolar activity between not doing much of anything physically-speaking and then thinking I can just go and run 7 miles (I downloaded an app recently, called RunKeeper, that's been helping with my running, by the way, if you have a smartphone I highly recommend it). Also, my old gym was getting to be kind of a drag in that their policies are bunk, their customer service is horrible, and I needed something slightly more social in general to help balance me out.

I've been going to Amazing Yoga, which I've mentioned before and love, and E has started going to Bikram so I occasionally go there with him. Okay, so we've been there once, and we went together, and today I'm going to Amazing Yoga and he'll go to Bikram by himself, since I personally don't like it as much as a practice.

Speaking of yoga though, have y'all heard of 21 Day Yoga Challenge? It's sponsored by Yoga Journal and hosted online by Social Workout. As you guessed, it's 21 days of yoga every day. Not only that, but at least one meal per day needs to be vegetarian, and your day must also include a meditation. For me, those two are already checked off, because I eat mainly vegetarian or at least try to as much as my body allows, and I need to meditate every night before I fall asleep (which may be cheating as meditation should be a mindful practice, but hey, at least I'm doing it). And another resolution of mine is to do sun salutations every morning. I did today, and feel better for it. Just think how I'll feel come February!

Every day, starting January 9th, Yoga Journal sends you an email with yoga poses, vegetarian recipes, meditation guides, and other helpful tips to keep motivated and strong. And since a lot of times the hard part of something like this is the loss of momentum due to lack of creativity in new things - thinking up routines for yoga poses, how to cook vegetarian if the closest thing you come to kale and tempeh stirfry is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and what the hell is meditation anyway - these emails should really help us all over that hump.

ANOTHER resolution of mine is to not drink so much beer. I had completely stopped drinking it around the end of 2010 because it was making me really sick, and had since weened it back into my life, along with bread and soy which were also making me sick. Not that I feel good right now, but I was so happy to be able to drink it again that I had a casual beer in the afternoon when I had one free fairly often and now I'm getting to be a fatty I can blame it - quite unfairly, I know - on the beer and restrict myself again to only special occasions. I believe the thing that was hard was that there have been special occasions in my life weekly since August. E is feeling it as well, in his own ways, so at least we can go into this together and support each other (and, with a good bit self-talking, tell each other we are not, in fact, morbidly obese because of a few holiday pounds).

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