Tuesday, January 10, 2012

21 day yoga challenge, day two

So I started this thing, which I believe I talked about last time, called 21 Day Yoga Challenge, where you practice yoga, eat one vegetarian meal (or more), and meditate 15 minutes per day. It started yesterday. I woke up early, had some cereal and a protein shake, did some morning yoga, meditated on the way to work (does that count? cycling is a yogic experience in its own rite), had leftover indian food (bindhi masala, aka okra), meditated again at home in bed. Totally killed it. But that's the thing with these sort of set challenges. The first day is always easy, because it's planned for. It's prepped. It's exciting. Day two, though. That's when you make a great breakfast, specifically the recipe sent to you by the Challenge to make yesterday, but it comes out great but suddenly just as the coffee's made, you have to help your husband clean out the gutters all morning (okay, hold the ladder and hope he doesn't fall to his short destiny) because the neighbor won't stop persisting. It's when you have plans to spend the evening - before friends come over to watch Twin Peaks, as they do every Tuesday - practicing yoga and putting laundry away, but instead someone texts you who you rarely hang out with anymore regarding tacos afterwork and you'd be foolish to say no because this is the year of YES. And as you ride to tacos you think about this blog post, which you write while watching Twin Peaks, episode 2 (considering the pilot to be episode 0), one of the best episodes of the series. But there's always midnight, the witching sweating hour.

Back to the drawing board.

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