Friday, October 3, 2014

A busy week! Workin' for the weekend hike

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Okay, you optimists: the good news is that after the cross race I headed out into Frick Park and rode all the hills I could remember, many of them twice. I listened to The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (did you know you can check out audiobooks from the library and stream them on your listening device? So cool) and was completely in the zone of class war and dystopian politics (I kind of zone out during the love scenes, sorry). It made those climbs so easy, I just kept going, hill after hill, remembering new ways to move up, then cruising down as fast as I could manage (not very) to find a new trail to take up, or else just turn around and do it again. It was so much fun, really! I also rode up some of the single track I typically ride down on my mountain bike. It's a whole new game heading uphill, and a whole different sport on a cross bike. I won't replay the whole conversation I had later about people racing on mountain bikes, but my ride certainly brought up some new arguments which I then forced E to enter as contrarian. I then rode hard Monday and Tuesday, hustling posters and pamphlets around town, sweating to make sweet cash and get my back used to carrying weighted packs.

The bad news is it rained pretty heavily on Tuesday evening and all day today and I haven't been on the bike since. I have been scooting around a lot, taking care of scooter-specific needs, but other than that it's been a pretty stationary few days. I did take the dog for a short run today, largely to get us both away from an annoying lady and her also annoying dog on the bike path, and tomorrow I have a hike planned with some friends to get the fresh air, despite the coming rains. I feel optimistic about rain at the moment, and think hiking in it is a lot more fun than, say, commuting to work. And considering I just got another couple drop-offs of posters that need to go up next week, there will be a lot of commuting in my near future. Hopefully Sunday I'll have a chance to do some more hill repeats.

In the meantime, it's me and my boy Rodney Yee.

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