Friday, November 14, 2014

Road Trip!

Tomorrow I'll be headed to DC for a seminar on women's cycling hosted by Molly Hurford and sponsored by Rose Physical Therapy Associates. Molly came to visit in Pittsburgh this past summer, and I couldn't attend because Laziness? Enuit? I think in all likeliness it's because I've been a female cyclist since I was 5, not including Big Wheels, and a lady cyclist since Jr. High. What did I have to learn? The reviews of that presentation were less than stellar, unfortunately, largely because of the questions asked. I feel like us writers put ourselves out there to tell our stories, give our advice, offer feedback, because no one else has. But that doesn't necessarily make us experts. And when someone is a good person, they have the good sense to say, "I'm not a gynecologist, and this might not work for you, but.." before giving a lesson on cramping and numbness. But that can leave for an awkward exchange when the audience is in attendance precisely because their own gynecologists have failed to answer the questions, take the questions seriously, or create a safe space where such issues can be explored.

This time, Hurford is bringing an arsenal of knowledgeable professionals to help break down those barriers to information. I'm sure not every question, nor questioner, will be satisfied, but when in life is that ever the case?

I'm also proud of Hereford for having a poor event and using it as a learning experience to keep on going and have a more dynamic presentation. I'm eager to see what new insights I'll gain from the experience. I'll be sure to report back on my findings, so stay with me.

In other news, E. loves me and made gluten free peanut butter cookies last night, and I'm skipping my race tomorrow in order to go to this conference, so the race to obesity is starting early this winter. It's important to keep ahead of schedule whenever possible. To keep pace, though, I'll be bringing some Vega Protein & Greens shake powder and a few of their Sports bars. I'll be dancing in my car and singing to Bratmobile for the whole five hour drive, so I'm sure I'll work up a sweat.

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